Hi! I am an Assistant Professor of Economics at McGill University

My research focuses on international macroeconomics and in particular the study of financial frictions in Emerging Markets, the international spillovers of US interest rate shocks and the policy and quantitative implications of agent heterogeneity in an open economy setting. 

My thesis investigates financial frictions in Emerging Markets and establishes the prevalence of interest sensitive cash flow based borrowing constraints which significantly increases the amplification of foreign interest rate shocks compared to standard collateral borrowing constraints. In addition to my job market paper, my thesis includes work on the identification of international spillovers of US interest rate shocks which controls for the Federal Reserve’s Information Effects, and work on the transmission of sovereign risk into domestic financial markets in the presence of firm heterogeneity.


April 2024: My paper "The International Monetary Transmission Mechanism" with Lawrence Christiano and Husnu Dalgic is out! We will be presenting it at the NBER's 39th Annual Conference on Macroeconomics, 2024 Click here for the latest draft